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The training in Design Course actually covers computer based designing of structures, shapes, profiles and variety of asymmetric / symmetrical objects & structures - small or big, with sharp and precise forms either in 2D or 3D, before they are actually made using the specified material. This kind of designing enables ease in manufacturing the objects by saving much time and energy and at unbelievably lesser costs when mass production of them is considered. Design Course provides clear understanding of all aspects to the students getting trained.
A larger part in Design course is AutoCAD, which is a software application for 2D & 3D aided design (CAD). Before AutoCAD was introduced, most of these CAD programs ran on mainframe computers or mini-computers. AutoCAD design is used across different industries. Architects, project managers, engineers, graphic designers and other professionals use very commonly this design software. AutoCAD with its variants are most prevalently used by clients across the world.
Wiztech Automation, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40, offers AutoCAD Training as a part of Design Course. The well equipped facilities and well qualified faculty members provide thorough conceptual knowledge and practical skills to the students who undergo Design Course with particular reference to AutoCAD. Wiztech has 'dedicated faculty members' for Design Course Training, offering AutoCAD aspects. The syllabus covered for AutoCAD Training in Course Design gives not only a full insight on the subject with special features of the system to the students of Wiztech but also independent knowledge and skills.
The individual focus that Wiztech Automation provides during the AutoCAD training makes the students very comfortable and they enjoy their time space for better understanding and assimilation. After the students complete their Training, the students are certified in the course completion and are also provided placement for job opportunities. While on AutoCAD training, depending on the requirement, the students who hail from outside Chennai city and also outside Tamil Nadu, are provided free accommodation.
The other program in design Course is Creo, which is a family or group of design course software which aids product design. The group consists of different apps, each having a different set of executable capabilities to be used in product development. Creo is run on Microsoft Windows.
Wiztech Automation, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40, offers Creo Training as a part of Design Course. The well equipped facilities and well qualified faculty members provide thorough conceptual knowledge and practical skills to the students who undergo Design Course with particular reference to Creo. Wiztech has 'dedicated faculty members' for Design Course Training, offering Creo based designing. The syllabus covered for Creo Training in Course Design gives not only a full insight on the subject with special features of the system to the students of Wiztech but also independent knowledge and skills.
The individual focus that Wiztech Automation provides in Creo makes the students very comfortable and they enjoy their time space for better understanding and assimilation. After the students complete their Training, the students are certified in the course completion and are also provided placement for job opportunities. While on Creo training, depending on the requirement, the students who hail from outside Chennai city and also outside Tamil Nadu, are provided free accommodation.
The third program in Design Course is SOLIDWORKS, which is solid modeling CAD & CAE software. Solid Works is a solid modeler, and utilizes a parametric feature- based approach to create models and assemblies. SOLIDWORKS 3D facilitates innovation and invention also. This Design Course provides knowledge and understanding of SOLIDWORKS thoroughly and enables creating of drawings and assemblies using 3D modeling software.
Wiztech Automation, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40, offers SOLIDWORKS Training as a part of Design Course. The well equipped facilities and well qualified faculty members provide thorough conceptual knowledge and practical skills to the students who undergo Design Course with particular reference to SOLIDWORKS. Wiztech has dedicated faculty members for Design Course Training, offering SOLIDWORKS based designing. The syllabus covered for SOLIDWORKS Training in Course Design gives not only a full insight on the subject with special features of the system to the students of Wiztech but also independent knowledge and skills. The individual focus that Wiztech Automation provides in SOLIDWORKS makes the students very comfortable and they enjoy their time space for better understanding and assimilation. After the students complete their Training, the students are certified in the course completion and are also provided placement for job opportunities. While on SOLIDWORKS training, depending on the requirement, the students who hail from outside Chennai city and also outside Tamil Nadu, are provided free accommodation.