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Automation is an essential requirement in the process based manufacturing industries in order to strictly follow precise timing and sequence of operations without manual interruption. Automation process stages are pre-fixed and guided by the parameters considered for the respective applications. The benefits of Automation process application in industries using PLC range of automation systems are precise quality of products, increased volumes, conservation of energy, high safety and robust operations
In Manufacturing - it could be for anything - mechanical, liquid or gaseous applications. In the mechanical automation processes (hard and tensile applications) it will be cutting, rolling, grinding, drilling and even assembly operations. Each process is a stage. In the case of solid powders / liquids /fluids and paste based materials, it will be thermal and other processes and here too every process stage is a stage in automation process. Same thing is applicable for gaseous raw material, semi-finished or finished product applications. Automation process using PLC range of automation systems is applied for every stage based on timing and the processes which the materials are subjected to.
PLC range of systems is applied to automation requirements in process based industries. Students willing to do any hands-on project in the industrial Automation processes of any kind could approach Wiztech Automation, Anna Nagar, Chennai, for total guidance and support all through to come out with a project that they wish to do. For List of Automation process based projects using PLC range of automation systems, please refer the application areas for which Wiztech could help students do their projects.